Adoption Application Process 

Welcome to the Bengal Kitten Adoption Application Form page at Merliashaz Bengals. If you are looking to add a Bengal kitten to your family, you are in the right place! Please fill out the form below to begin the adoption process.

Adoption Process

Our adoption process includes a consultation to ensure a Bengal kitten is the right fit for your family.  We are committed to finding loving and forever homes for our Bengal kittens.

What you might be asked -
  • Your contact details, such as phone number and address
  • Whether you have children, and their ages
  • Whether you have other pets, and their details
  • Why you want to adopt a Bengal
  • Whether you've ever given up a pet before
  • What you would do if you had to give back the kitten
  • Whether you have a vet, and their details
  • Whether you're renting.


Adoption Questions

The Questions collects information about your living situation, experience with pets, and why you are interested in adopting a Bengal kitten. This helps us ensure that the kitten will be well-cared for and loved in its new home.

What to consider
  • Consider how your lifestyle matches the Bengal's needs 
  • Consider what you want from the kitten, age, and gender 
  • Consider whether you have the space for a Bengal to play and enough activities to stimulate them. 
  • Consider whether you have a plan for the kitten's care while you're out 



After submitting the application form, we will schedule a consultation to meet your perspective kitten and discuss your expectations, answer any questions you may have, and provide guidance on caring for your Bengal kitten. We are here to support you every step of the way.

Ready to adopt your own Bengal kitten?

Contact us today to start the application process and bring home your new furry friend!