Exotic Colours and Patterns 

Hi All I'm not going to go into the "normal" colours readily available for people to purchase.  Those can be easily seen and identified almost everywhere when searching Bengals.  I'm going to "try" to give people an idea of the more unusual and exotic colour/pattern combinations that I have come across and also bred. 

My Adonis is one of those more unusual colour combinations in Australia, not saying that he is the only one but from what I have seen there are not too many out there.  One of his current offspring has produced a Silver male.  So atm this is the best test.

From his current litter with Umbra he has proven that he is a Silver.  Silver is classified as a dominant gene meaning, the cat has to be a Silver to be able to produce a Silver. 

I know from his DNA test and the above kitten that he is basically a Silver Seal (Snow) Lynx point that carries a double Charcoal gene (which was classified from his DNA test).  Which is why he has such a dark mask which contrasts so beautifully with his stunning blue eyes. 

A Charcoal Bengal Apb/, a or Apb,Apb agouti genes) is darker than the traditional recognized Bengal colours. The black smokey charcoal colour was particularly seen in early generation F1 and F2 Bengals. 

The Charcoal trait is inherited of colour and can be seen in each colour class: browns, Silvers, snows (Lynx) Charcoal, Mink Charcoal, sepia charcoal) and even blues

I might not always be correct in my analysis of them but I'm only too happy to be corrected. 

The Silver Bengal

Yes Silvers are not so rare or unusual. But when added to another colour becomes harder to see and identify. Particularly as there are very few tests available to DNA this colour. 


Silver (I, i or I,I inhibitor gense) is more lack of colour. This gene inhibits any warm colours and gives an almost white base coat contrasted with striking dark markings. 

The Silver colour was added to TICA championship in 2004 for the Bengal Breed.

Silver cats come in different shades with backgrounds varying from white to a very dark steel grey colour.

Silvers can also be found in any other colour combination: Silver Snow, Silver Charcoal, Blue Silver etc.....

A silver bengal also has:

  • As little tarnish (yellow/rusting brown) in the main coat as possible
  • A Dark grey to jet black markings
  • A black tail tip
  • A brick red nose
  • Green or golden eyes.