The Bengal is a very Intelligent, curious cat and is highly active and always on the move. They are happy, entertaining athletes, who love to jump, chase and get into the most unbelievable places when they climb. They are very talkative, friendly and alert. AND don't forget "chirp" like a bird.
The Bengals intelligence constantly amazes me. Alot of my kittens have several attributes found in dogs and like to play fetch and retrieve just like a dog does, and play in water. They may let you know by bringing you a cat food sachet that they want to be fed.
Mine play naughty tricks on my husband and our dog, by going up behind the couch and grabbing them on their behinds. She thinks its very funny, but my dog gets very confused at what has attacked her as she cannot see the cat and shoots off the couch. Cheeky girl, she is always up to some sort of mischief, but it certainly makes life interesting. She will even bring my paint brushes and put them back into the paint water.
The energy level of Bengals can be fun to live with but also challenging. Most Bengals do better in an environment of a family who spends a lot of time at home and will enjoy playing and interacting with them. Or another idea is having two or more Bengals who occupy each other during the times that your family isn't able to be at home with them.
Otherwise they will get up to mischief by themselves (which honestly sometimes they do anyway even if you are home) which often is in the form of opening cupboards, draws and doors, pulling out sink stoppers, or fishing in your fish tanks, and alot of other things just to entertain themselves.
They have such energy that they overpower my husbands pet Ragdoll, who was unable to cope with just one Bengal, but after I got another, and another, they played amongst themselves and left him alone. He joins in when he feels like it. BUT I would have to admit it's easier having at LEAST 2 Bengals than just one or one and another type of more placid cat.
My Bengals will often follow me from room to room just to "see what's going on" they are such sticky noses. They love to help fold laundry and get involved making beds! They have "helped" building cat scratching posts, taking off with the screws etc. climbing on it while your trying to erect it and overall get into the box and whatever is available for them to play with.
When the kids come home and the noise and activity level rises the Bengals are right into the fray. Bengals enjoy and participate in creating the happy chaos and activity. At times they will leave you in both tears of laughter and sometimes frustration at their antics.
Alot of people state that Bengals are NOT LAP cats. I disagree. My Bengals are as active as normal Bengals can be, but also absolutely love attention and down time with you, just laid on your lap or between your legs wanting cuddles, belly scratches and just to be loved.